Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Friend

I just got a phone call telling me one of my good friends from school has died. He had cancer, but after an amputation and extensive treatment, we thought he had made it. But a year later it came back.

I created this blog mostly to get in touch with his family, as I saw a posting by another of his friends and am hoping to use this medium to get in touch.

I've talked with a few others who also knew Chad and would like to be able to send their condolences to the family, as well as our expressions of how much we loved him.


McClains said...

Yeah, I would be happy to give the address of his family in Texas. It is: Cardinal Lane Midland, Texas
What is your name? I am sure the family would love to hear from you and your memories of Chad. He was a great guy and will greatly be missed.

McClains said...

sorry I pushed publish before I finished the address =) it is:
4512 Cardinal Lane
Midland, TX 79707
Good luck!